My previous brief was an introduction into advertisement. I began by creating a visual mood board showing all the different types of advertisements that can be seen everywhere from televisions to bus stops and bill boards.
This shows the variations of adverts and the techniques they use to attract attention, also it tells you that not all adverts must look
the same, you can tell this
by simply observing the mood board.
Before any research material I created a mind map
showing the things that I would need to consider both primary and secondary researching and also for designing.
Its purpose is so that I am reminded of the things I should be looking at and the important things that I should include.
The first part of my research began with looking at advertising agencies (Abbot Mead Vickers) & (Ogilvy) to observe and analyse their style of advertising and the techniques they use. I looked at their images and went into detail about the specific techniques they used.

Next I researched an artist whose work inspired me and whose style I could incorporate into my own work,in my case it was the style of his illustrations and the level of detail he puts into them.
I liked the way in which he adds colour to his work, makes it look more realistic so I also wanted to add these traits to my work.
I thought it was important to add some information about the whole world of advertising, the process and how it actually works, so I researched the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
I wrote about what happens when an advert is made and that it first has to be analysed by the ASA to see if it is acceptable to be let out into the public.
The next step I took was to look at the types of food that I will be basing my project around, also the different techniques within adverts that help to sell the product, this helped lead on to the next area of research which included primary research design drawings.